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Fantasy. The future. Robots. Read the work of one of comics best writers before he joined Marvel and reinvented their universe of superheroes!
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Greg Pak

Greg Pak is an award-winning writer and director, and author of Robot Stories and More Screenplays, which collects the best film scripts of his career to date.

His first feature film, "Robot Stories" starred Tamlyn Tomita and Sab Shimono, played in over dozens of international and American festivals, and won over 35 awards. Greg's screenplay "Corporis Vesalius" won the Sloan Foundation Screenwriting Award. Greg's comic shorts "Asian Pride Porn" (which features Tony award-winning playwright David Henry Hwang) and "All Amateur Ecstasy" are among the most viewed films at AtomFilms.com. His short film "Mouse" won Best Narrative Short at the 2000 San Diego Asian Film Festival.

All these screenplays, including "Cat Fight Tonight" and "Rice World" are collected in the new book Robot Stories and More Screenplays, whose introduction is written by the famed playright David Henry Hwang. Wizard magazine recommended the book in its 2005 Holiday Gift Guide.

After writing "Famous Long Ago" for Antidote Films, Greg broke into comics and has quickly become a fan favorite scribe. Recognizing his writing talent in Robot Stories, Marvel Comics hired him. Greg soon produced critically-acclaimed runs on the new "Warlock", the bestseller "Phoenix Endsong" (illustrated by Greg Land), and sequels "Phoenix Warsong" and "1602: the New World" (originally created by Neil Gaiman). In addition to a stint with "Ironman", he has created a new Asian American protagonist named Amadeus Cho, aka "Mastermind Excello."

With his star rising with the comics adaptation of the new TV version of "Battlestar Galatica", Greg grabbed the horns of the jolly green giant and hasn't looked back. His interpretation of The Incredible Hulk has reinvigorated the character and led to his penning Marvel's flagship 2007 crossover series "World War Hulk." Quickly Wizard magazine has named him one of the Top 10 hottest writers in the US comic book industry, in whose ranks he is now a monthly regular. Now he works his magic on the spin off "Skaar: Son of Hulk" and "Incredible Hercules." Plus he has just tacked the mutant master of magnetism in "Magneto: Testament."

Greg edits FilmHelp.com and AsianAmericanFilm.com. He was the cinematographer of "The Personals," an Academy Award winning short documentary, and was recently named one of 25 Filmmakers to Watch by Filmmaker Magazine. Greg studied political science at Yale University, history at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, and film production at the NYU graduate film program.

His recent comics series include Incredible Hercules, Vision Machine, Chaos War crossover, and the Silver Surfer.


"Greg Pak’s writing is great in this issue...Vision Machine #2 is fabulous. It would be a must buy if you could buy it. Since it’s free there is absolutely no reason to not try this series out. Greg Pak has created a world that feels like it could really be coming. More importantly, he has used that world to create a compelling story. Perhaps the best compliment you can give a comic book, I can’t wait for the next issue."
- Platform Nation


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"It was with the Earth shattering event World War Hulk that made him the favourite of many a comic book fan and he’s kept up the great work within the Hulk line of comics as well as projects such as Incredible Hercules, Skaar: Son of Hulk, Magneto: Testament and War Machine."
- ComicBookMovie.com

"Writer Greg Pak is best known to comics fans for his work on Marvel Comics titles such as The Incredible Hulk, Skaar: Son of Hulk, The Incredible Hercules and War Machine. However, he's also an independent filmmaker whose feature Robot Stories was a minor hit and whose newest short film Mister Green is available online while also appearing at film festivals across the country and internationally."
- Comic Book Resources